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Armada Way regeneration will be a cultural boost to the city centre

Culture is vital to Plymouth’s future. There are more than 1,500 people employed locally in the industry and over 365 businesses in the city that are classed as arts, entertainment and recreation.

The city centre is also the home of the Theatre Royal Plymouth, The Box and hosts an annual programme of live events out in the community, including Flavour Fest.

The new proposals for Armada Way hope to build on this – with space for more activities, festivals, markets, concerts, exhibitions and performances.

In the proposals, there are a number of spaces that are flexible for people to use, and pop-up spaces with water and power to host markets, live entertainment and art.

The proposals also include a new amphitheatre on the north piazza just down from the restored Phoenix Fountain, with seating for people to watch performances or other cultural activity.

To see the proposals and have your say online, go to: Let's Talk Armada Way

To read the press release from Plymouth City Council and hear from the Chief Executive of Plymouth Theatre Royal, go to: Armada Way regeneration will be a cultural boost to the city centre

Posted on 26th October 2023

by ECF