
Cycle Path and Mobility Hub


A mixed use cycle path and mobility hub

The aim is to encourage more cycling to and in Armada Way, giving people the space they need and a place to store their bikes.

How will cyclists and pedestrians use the paths?

  • The cycle path has been designed to assist cyclists of all abilities by giving them a safe route through Armada Way and includes measures to slow cyclists down in steep areas where they would otherwise be likely to build up speed.  
  • In areas where the cycle path crosses over the pedestrian footway, cyclists will need to slow down and give way.  
  • The path will also be signed and waymarked to help pedestrians and cyclists understand how to travel through safely. 
  • We will be undertaking training and education, particularly with local delivery companies, around how to use the new cycle lane in harmony with pedestrians.

How wide will it be?

The proposed new path is over 2.5 metres wide between kerb lines, making it wider than the path proposed in the previous scheme.

Who has assessed the cycle path? 

It has been assessed by AECOM and Sustrans and is LTN 1/20 compliant (see the FAQs for more information).  

What would the ‘mobility hub’ include?

There will also be covered cycle racks and a mobility hub, where Beryl Bikes will be located for people to hire, plus potentially a drop-off and pick-up point for delivery cyclists.

You can see the full proposed cycle route in the documents linked at the bottom of this page. 

Image of a Beryl bike
Image of a Beryl bike
Image of a Beryl bike

The aim is to give people the space to ride their bikes and a safe place to store them, encouraging more active travel in the city centre.

Check out the following documents

Document image preview
Proposed Cycleway Strategy.pdf
Document image preview
Proposed Cycleway Strategy Sheet 2.pdf