The proposed scheme also has a number of spaces that are flexible for people to use, and pop-up spaces with water and power to host markets, live entertainment and art.
It is proposed there will be a couple of additional places which could be used for concessions, live events or other pop-up activity. These are located at the proposed amphitheatre on the north piazza just down from the restored Phoenix Fountain, and under the proposed solar canopies at ‘Place de Brest’ and near to the Sundial. Importantly these spaces will have power and potentially water supplies.
They could be used in a variety of ways including street traders, theatre companies or musicians. We’re gathering feedback with ideas on how these could be used as part of the consultation.
Street traders will be able to trade in Armada Way. Some adjustments may have to be made while work takes place. However, we are exploring more power points for traders as part of our improved multi-use spaces. We are keen to have more traders.
View looking toward the sundial and House of Fraser including new wide footways, lighting, flexible space with seating, solar canopies and new planting
Throughout the proposed scheme there are areas that haven’t been set aside to serve a particular purpose, these are referred to as ‘flexible spaces’. These are a mix of lawned, seated or hard standing areas.
They are included so that there are some areas where people can just relax, picnic, play sports or just sit. We’re asking for feedback on how these might be used during the consultation.
It is proposed that the scheme will include seating for around 500 people, in various styles.
There will be a mix of high-backed seats with arms, benches, seats with tables, lower seating for children. There will also be seating at the amphitheatre area at the north of Armada Way. The seating will be placed throughout the scheme and through the consultation we’re asking for feedback about styles and locations.
Many of the 202 trees on Armada Way will grow to have expansive canopies that will provide shelter throughout, as well as the proposed solar panels at Place de Brest and around the toilets. The tops of London Plane trees (outside the area near Oggy Oggy) will join together to form a new umbrella cover for people to sit under.
The flexible and pop-up spaces, with plenty of seating throughout, offers the opportunity to use Armada Way for recreation and entertainment all through the year.